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Microstructure and mechanical properties newly developed high-manganese TRIPLEX type steels
Realization of this research project requires a whole range of tests using most modern research techniques applied for microstructural evaluation and mechanical properties in contemporary metal materials. The aim of the project is to determine the structure, phase composition and properties of two newly developed high manganese TRIPLEX steels, one of them with micro additives of Nb and Ti and second steel without these micro additives. As part of the project is planned to explain the impact of the phase composition and structural components for the mechanisms of strain hardening for the tested steels. Next one will be: determination of curves stress - strain under various conditions and the processes controlling of strain hardening; hot- compression in different conditions of time and temperature in order to determine the kinetics of static recrystallization; conducting thermo-mechanical processing in different conditions using a simulator Gleeble in controlled course of static recrystallization; structural research to determine the effects of hot-working conditions on the microstructure of investigated steels; optimization of temperature of individual deformation and time intervals allowing for a controlled course of static recrystallization; structural research of investigated steels in thermo-mechanically processed state; definition of dependences between the chemical composition of steels, thermo-mechanical processing conditions, microstructure and properties of steels.
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Visegradský fond
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Visegrádské granty