Preparation and evaluation of properties of molding and core mixtures
Rating of islands
- performing granulometric analysis
- sintering temperature determination
- conducting dilatometric measurement (determination of thermal expansion)
Molding and core mixtures
- analysis and determination of strength characteristics
- determination of flatness
- development of new types of inorganic binders
Melting, quality evaluation and measurement of properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
Iron alloys
- possibility of melting in electric induction furnaces (also in vacuum)
- performing thermal analysis
- determination of hydrogen content
- performing dilatometric measurements
- determination of tensile strength at elevated temperatures (close to solidus temperature)
Non-ferrous metal alloys
- possibility of melting in electric resistance furnaces and in vacuum induction furnace
- performing thermal analysis and degree of gasification on Al alloys
- performing dilatometric measurements
- determination of tensile strength at elevated temperatures (close to solidus temperature)
Production of artistic castings - use of non-traditional, special methods of casting production
- possibility of production of artistic castings into disposable molding compounds based on oils, gypsum, ceramics, including design and processing of models using 3D printing (wax, ABS plastic)
ESVOD casting expert system (software, 012 / 14-11-2011_SW)
- Computer support for identification of casting defects. The expert system software can determine the defect according to external symptoms. It is a knowledge system for the identification of 72 types of casting defects.
- The ESVOD expert system created at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of the University of Mining - Technical University of Ostrava offers foundries a tool for identifying and analyzing the causes of defects in castings and is one of the ways to ensure higher quality castings and reduce the cost of nonconforming products - scrap.
- ESVOD software can also serve as a tool for training new employees who deal with quality control and management of castings.