O studijním programu
Being a technologist means perfectly controlling engineering production processes. It needs to know the properties of materials, methods of machining, SW CAD CAM, manufacturing process and so on.
Uplatnění absolventa
Students will find employment as head of production, assembly and metrology technologists, specialists in production.
Cíle studia
The aim of the study in the three-year study program Engineering is to prepare graduates for activities in all areas of engineering, especially in industrial enterprises, for which they acquire the relevant theoretical and professional knowledge and skills.
Odborné znalosti absolventa
Within the specialization Engineering Technology the student gains a deeper knowledge of basic technological processes (forming, welding, machining) and heat treatment of materials, surface treatment of semi-finished products and basics of tool construction. Students will learn more about the possibilities of computer support of technological processes and their organization and management.
Odborné dovednosti absolventa
Graduates will acquire professional skills in terms of using professional terminology and processing technical documentation. They can read technical drawings of products or parts and design the most effective methods and procedures of their production, they can perform expert analysis of machinery and production technologies, they can analyze and evaluate technical solutions.
Obecné způsobilosti absolventa
As part of the Engineering Technology specialization, students are trained for a wide variety of technical positions in manufacturing companies. Graduates will find employment in departments of production preparation and organization, in design and construction of technological equipment, tools and fixtures, in design and construction of technological operations, in maintenance departments and other service departments.