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Only the projects of the merged Department 651 are listed on this page; the projects of Departments 616, 617, and 619 are searchable in the University phone book after logging in at: 


Společná česko - polská měření přeshraničního přenosu znečišťujících látek v ovzduší (AIR BORDER)
The project objective is create a common Czech-Polish workplace and establish cooperation for the evaluation and control of cross-border transmission of air pollutants. The project is focused on air quality in the Czech-Polish border of the Moravskoslezský region and Rybnicki and Bielski sub-region, which belongs to the areas with the most polluted air in Europe. There are exceeded short and long term levels of air pollutants, especially suspended particulate matter (SPM), the main causes of emissions from large industrial and small-scale local energy sources on both sides of the border. There are the short and long terms limits of air pollutants exceeded, especially suspended atmospheric particulate matter. The main causes are emissions from large industrial and small-scale local energy sources on both sides of the border. The major causes are emissions from the large industrial and small-scale local energy sources on both sides of the border. Inconsistent legislation, different emission limits in individual countries, the lack of current information and the division of the region boundary leads to nekomplexnímu solution to the current situation. The project aims to the raise awareness of long-term and short-term range transport of pollutants in the atmosphere to government authorities, public and other organizations concerned with air quality on both sides of the border. The project aims to raise awareness about long-term and short-term transfers of pollutants in the atmosphere to the government authorities, public and other organizations concerned with air quality on the both border sides. Rating transmissions will be based on measurements of vertical profiles of air pollution and air temperature, analyzes of air pollution and air quality modeling. Measurements will be performed on a pair of specialized border stations. The result will be the long-term time series of interactions between Czech and Polish sources, and vector and the value of the actual transmission represent.
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End year
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
Obecná forma
INTERREG V-A (Česká republika - Polská republika)
Information system of research, development and innovation (in Czech)